Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) are the
two most common clinical conditions encountered by gastroenterologists.
The prevalence of these two conditions in the US population is 10 and
20%, respectively.
Information offered on this web site is culmination of four decades of
taking care of patients with IBS and GERD, as well as comprehensive up
to date scientific literature search.
Note: GERD section of this website used to be available on
www.webgerd.com, by Dr Mohammad Farivar, since 1995.
WebGERD was widely
used by physicians, patients and media.
Healthcare, recommended WebGERD as the resource for patients with GERD.
"Webgerd.com ... has some very useful information for patients,
especially the practical advice." -British Medical Journal
Publishing Group (London, UK)